Only 11 Minutes: What Healthy Looks Like

Only 11 Minutes: What Healthy Looks Like

We want to extend our heartfelt gratitude for your support of Only 11 Minutes: What Healthy Looks. Your generous tax-deductible donation enables us to educate 11 essential sectors and the grassroots community in the prevention of intimate partner violence. With your unwavering commitment to get educated, you are helping us build a brighter, violence-free future for generations to come.

We encourage donors like you to consider making the suggested donation of $11, symbolic of the precious 11 minutes it takes to educate, empower, and make a lasting impact. However, we truly appreciate and value donations of any amount, as every dollar plays a significant role in driving our mission forward. Your contribution, whether it is $11 or any other amount, is a tangible demonstration of your belief in our cause and your commitment to creating a safer, healthier world. Together, we can make a difference, one donation at a time.

To learn more and get involved: